Friday, 13 December 2019


The Santa Clara Convent and the monumental aqueduct dominate the architectural heritage. This was our 5th trip to Portugal since Paula and Maria had arranged for their lovely daughters Joanna and Marta and a friend to join us for lunch in Vila do Conde. There is also a mini bar, coffee and tea, CD player and data port. Our friends took us to our hotel, Forte S. Vila do Conde Paula and Maria had arranged for their lovely daughters Joanna and Marta and a friend to join us for lunch in Vila do Conde. azurara beach party 2012 cd

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It was going to take a lot to equal this first ultra fresh this is a fishing village fish lunch.

Azurara beach party 2012

We were to have many more excellent value lunches and dinners as we continued our trip. Then see a walled fort sitting at that junction of the waters and the sand. Hot wipes first to refresh and then we were served tasty roast turkey and potatoes, steamed vegetables and a marinated vegetable salad.

Spargo and rodovalho were simply grilled paarty olive oil, butter and garlic and served with boiled potatoes, carrots and cabbage.

azurara beach party 2012 cd

They had made reservations at Caximar, Av. We formulated an itinerary that would start in the north and end in the Lisboa area.

O presidente diz que ONGs pode…. This may come as a shock - the meal was quite good! The key to our suite was quite ancient and we had to beckon the jovial receptionist to show us how to make it work.

We think of our Portuguese friends as our extended family. Astonishing performance from Gusta-vo, ruivargas, djfrankmaurel, tiagofragateiro and Magazino at neop…. New York State - Summer U. Forte and the restaurant Bartholomeo. Last year, as we were writing the travelogue of our Portugal trip to the Azores, Madeira, the Algarve and Lisbon and reliving each precious moment we decided to return in the fall of to the mainland.

This is a 17th century military structure with a pentagonal design, five bulwarks and small, squared, stone sentry boxes. Summary Biography Embed rank Summary frank maurel is a professional DJ who is mainly working in frank maurel is performing within the field of Tech House music and is ranked on the official DJ rankings list www.

Portugal Fall

Metamorphosis - Single - My System. The fresh squeezed orange juice and good coffee were appreciated. Washington,DC beavh Spring After a late breakfast we azudara a taxi to the central bus station in the next town of Povoa de Varzim also a very popular beach resort destination to make the A half order of grilled dourada one whole grilled medium size fish was served with boiled potatoes.

There is also a mini bar, coffee and tea, CD player and data port. This was our 5th trip to Portugal since We would soon be similarly affected.

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First you must visualize a river running into the ocean and a deep sandy shoreline as far as the eye can see. Thank all to coming last night at Oceans Club!

The first floor is for living with a desk and chair plus a sunken area beyond with chairs, TV and fireplace. Coffee and tea service followed. The deep, pristine sandy beach of this coastline is glorious and this restaurante-marisqueira is located right on the beach surrounded by sand, rocks and the sparkling ocean. We awoke to a bright, sunny, warm day. The white-capped waves were splashing on the rocks and the beaches were filled with sun worshippers and bathers.

azurara beach party 2012 cd

A Barca do Conde, Av. We lingered over baked apples and coffee enjoying the company of our friends. Paula and Maria had arranged for their lovely daughters Joanna and Marta and a friend to join us for lunch in Vila do Conde.

Paula moved to Porto a while ago and together with her sister Maria met us at the airport in Porto to drive us to Vila do Conde, a spectacular beach town just north of Porto.

A half order of fresh fried fillets of fish two sweet, thick filets was served with delicious fried potatoes and rice.

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